Our Team

Dr Aidan Kelly, Clinical Director, Kelly Psychology

Dr Aidan Kelly

Dr Aidan Kelly is Clinical Director at Kelly Psychology. He is a Clinical Psychologist by training and is registered in the UK with the Health & Care Professionals Council (PYL32755) and has also had his Clinical Psychology qualifications validated by the Department of Health in Ireland. He is a member of the Association of Clinical Psychologists UK and the Psychological Society of Ireland.

Dr Kelly first began working in the NHS in 2009 as a graduate psychologist working in both inpatient and community settings with adults and children with a range of mental health difficulties. He then moved to Australia where he completed his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Sydney (2012-15).

After returning to the UK in 2015 Dr Kelly worked in Child and Adolescent Mental Health services in East London. In particular he gained experience working with young people who had become socially isolated and were non-school attending as well as with young people who attended specialist provision educational settings. These young people tended to have complex needs such as significant anxiety, depression, familial or relational difficulties, social communication difficulties, histories of trauma as well as sometimes presenting with challenging behaviours.

Away from work Aidan enjoys spending time with his family and friends as well as being outside in nature.

Dr Caroline Bradley

Dr Caroline Bradley is a Clinical Psychologist registered with the HCPC. After completing her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the Salomons Centre for Applied Psychology (2013-2016), she has worked in a number of teams based in the NHS, local authority and charity sector. She has designed and set up a number of innovative, community based mental health services both in the UK and internationally.

Caroline has worked in a number of specialist, complex child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and adult mental health services. This has included complex assessment and treatment in physical health teams, youth justice services, sexual health services, gender services and social care. She has particular experience working with the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as those who are also managing physical health concerns.

Caroline is currently the Principal Clinical Psychologist in a service for young parents, care leavers and unaccompanied asylum seeking people who are facing homelessness. She has also written and published in the area of the specific mental health and parenting needs of homeless and marginalised populations.

Caroline also has particular expertise in working with young people and adults with experiences of relational and developmental trauma. This work ranges from structured trauma therapy such as narrative exposure therapy (NET) and trauma focused CBT (TF-CBT) to more open, exploratory work making sense of how past traumatic experiences and relationships can contribute to someone’s difficulties in the present.

Caroline practices in a transparent, compassionate and non-judgemental way focusing on the meaning behind a person’s current challenges and hopes. She aims to create a safe and collaborative space to think with people about how the complex dynamics of wider society impact on their own sense of self and wellbeing, and how to challenge this.

Phil Myers, Systemic Psychotherapist

Phil Myers

Phil Myers is a systemic psychotherapist who qualified from the Tavistock Clinic in 1999. He is UKCP registered and a member of the Association of Family Therapy. He has worked for many years and continues to work in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in East London.

Before training as a systemic psychotherapist Phil worked as a mental health nurse – working with adults.

His main interest is in working with young people and their families, and he offers family therapy, couples therapy, parent support and individual systemic therapy. He has lots of experience working with a variety of different issues including mental health difficulties, relationship and communication difficulties and has a particular interest in supporting gender-questioning young people and their families. He is interested in challenging discriminatory processes and power dynamics that can sometimes lead to a sense of shame or a sense of being misunderstood.

Phil was born in Bristol, comes from a large family, has lived in Denmark and in France, is a father of young adult children, likes playing music with others and plays in a band, and, like many people enjoys travel, eating and drinking.

Dr Moja Kljakovic

Dr Moja Kljakovic is a BPS and HCPC registered clinical psychologist. She has specialist clinical training in child and adolescent mental health and, in addition to her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, has completed a PhD in the research area of bullying. She has also published academic peer-reviewed research in this field.

Dr Moja Kljakovic has completed specialist training in the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-II) and the Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview (3di), which allow her to complete autism assessments in compliance with NICE standards.

Since coming to the UK in 2015 Moja has worked in a CAMHS service in London and has provided outreach to school settings with a focus on autism. She has also worked in the private sector with adolescents in both inpatient and outpatient settings.

Moja currently works in the NHS in an adult setting and teaches academically on psychology across the lifespan.